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Joe Nobling . Is not the "philosophy of love" re-introduced throughout the ages? The Beatles sang "All You Need Is Love."
Matthew 22:36-40 (New International Version)
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
The New Testament, as I've been indoctrinated or taught, was a change from the Old Testament in that God is a Loving God.
I'm not sure which Indian sect or religious factor teaches that we should see each other as god...maybe it's all of them...and is that why they always seem so gracious and pleasant?
It seems if all people could or would realize the godhead or that we're all part of this great universe, not to mention this planet, that it would only better the whole to communicate and learn to understand. Then another thought comes to mind about being creators. We're always creating something whether it's good or evil. Sometimes it's intended to be that way and sometimes it's not.
The realization of our inter-relatedness seems to be tantamount to progression as a person, soul, or spirit or, more simply put, growth.
There are many people who read a tome entitled The Urantia has an online presence and community as well which takes this discussion into another level, it seems to me. But, it's a dense book in many ways and, perhaps, just too much so for my shallow mind, at least with respect to my present level of existence. Besides, there is so much to do on my personal time and all in just savoring every moment, which seems to be most important and most valuable to being positive and happy which I believe wants us to be most of all for there is so much in life to find joy in.
Narveen Aryaputri • A few posts ago Mike Rosenthal mentioned the 9th level and/or the 9th state. I have been wanting to make a posting on that aspect of our discussions but have been unable to do so until now. Pardon me for my delay, please.
But before I make that posting I wish to address Joe's posting about the Vedic tradition based on acknowledging the Divine form in all living beings. It is based on the Vedic philosophy of the Atma or the Atman is all as it is part of the One, the Divine, the Supreme Soul. I am told the German language has the same word Atman, spelled Atmen and it has the same meaning.
This concept or philosophy will find its thread in the weave of many eastern traditions, beliefs and perspectives.
for example the Sufi sing of each baby born is another face of God. This concept is not restricted to the Sufi.
Essentially, the philosophical basis is that the Divine is in each of us, we are part of the Divine, and this, beautiful as it is to many who see this concept, will be contradictory to some beliefs who see the Divine or the Godhead or God as separate to themselves.. in other words , it is the controversy of duality vs non-duality. This is a big controversy and not the scope of our current discussion. I believe it is a personal belief anyway, so I am not sure it is worthy of a discussion.
By the way, the word Namaste, Sanskrit form or greeting a person with palms joined, is an acknowledgement of this Vedic concept of acknowleging, bowing to, and respecting the soul within the being before you. In lieu of the handshake, this form of greeting is routine in the eastern part of our world. Its variation is the Buddhist greeting which is a single hand lifted in acknowledgement and directed to the level of the heart. I have always been enormously touched with the Buddhist form of respect at the highest level, of touching the forehead with one's own forehead... it is so meaningful and so equisitely beautiful a gesture.. peformed by the Abbots or the learned sages to a follower, a devotee, a student whom they are acknowleging. So they will touch their forehead onto the forehead of the other one whom they are greeting. ...
as if a transference or acknowlege of wisdom...
I do not know if that is the right interpretation.. it is how I read it..
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