Friday, June 17, 2011

2012 : Apocalypse or Enlightenment: Cultural phenomenon of the Mayan Calendar

2012, Christianity and the 1960's:
John Major Jenkins makes the case in his book Galactic Alignment that not only for the Mayans but for all cultures 2012 is the turning point to the New Age. He describes many world cultures and makes the case that the December 21, 2012 Galactic Alignment is the common reference point for the many religious traditions. A world cultural phenomenon is the context out of which the next stage of consciousness is evolving.
Christianity makes the abstract - concrete - that is it's contribution. Existentialism peaked in the 1960's, both philosphically and culturally. Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Marcel, Camus and the Beatles - an unbroken line. We are being given here the blue print of how the evolutionary frequency pattern becomes incarnated - human. And there is a local tie in - in 1967 - the book Realism was published by Iowa City philosopher Gustav Bergmann. Bergmann embodies a stage in evolutionary consciousness in himself - an original Logical Positivist whose ultimate concern in this book becomes consciousness. This is related to the story - Bergmann cleared the philosophical path for Existentialism/Phenomenology. To me Existentialism is Christianity and in that way he furthered the final Christian stage of evolution - this was not of course a consideration of his.
So, my definition of Christianity involves the evolution of world cultural development, the evolution of philosophical development culminating in Existentialism and the American popular culture of the 1960's in which the idea that everything is personal peaked - under the tutelage of Guru's - Bob Dylan, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones and now 2012.
(Please blame lack of spell check for errors in spelling not me.)
Michael Grady • Mike, I can't see how existentialism is tied in with Christianity. Jesus, and God said they are "the Great I AM". This is an ontological statement, not an existentialist one. Similarly, I AM, therefore I AM would be correct in Christinity, not Descartes treatise on "I think, therefore I am".
With that in mind, God does not exist. God IS. That would be the correct ontolological statement

Michael Rosenthal • To MG on I AM -
From the Mayan perspective God's pulse - vibration is I AM. And only God is ontologically purely this I AM. Jesus as a creature is pulled into existence by the pulse. His ontology is to be and to be becoming the pulse. Everything is what it is - that is it's ontology. Only God is simply the vibration. It is the ontology of Jesus and and all those with human being (ontology) to experience and know the pulse and what it is becoming - to know God and existence. Jesus knows God in existence and says as God is I Am. The mystery of the Trinity is that one with human ontology can say he has divine ontology. As God is I AM. Exactly this would be the end point of Calleman's final Universal 9th stage - to be co-creators - to share in divine ontology.

Michael Rosenthal • The ontological interpretation of the 9th wave is mine not Calleman's. He does not use ontological language. I assume being(!) Swedish he was raised Lutheran or certainly influenced by Lutheranism. I sense a biblical orientation behind some of his theoretical work. Lutherans are not generally prone to ontological discourse. As for Lutherans though - I am sure Tillich could do a better job with this discussion than me. My take on Existentialism/Phenomenology is that it is an alternate explanatory framework to ontological discourse actually more akin to biblical and scientific thinking. I need to say more about my existential take on what is going on in the end times and certainly Phenomenology - the study of consciousness - should have something to say about the evolution of consciousness but you will not find this in Calleman. I think for our purposes we need to keep it simple and direct and intuitive and that is what I am trying to do in this discussion. Any Existialists and by this I mean all modern Americans please add more to the discussion.
Michael Rosenthal • One more post on phenomenology - then I'll step back for a bit:
William of Occcam: the mind is the only thing that is intrinsically about something else.
Brentano: the mind is always an awareness of something (or other aspect of consciousness MR).
Calleman though referencing no phenomenologist, through the Mayans and biology, seems to have gotten it right. As the organizational structure of the universe grows and matter grows more complex from the big bang to human beings(!) - consciousness grows to reflect this organizational growth.
1. -9- Step by step evolution of the physical universe: galaxies, stars, and planets: evolution of chemical elements ---- Higher cells
1. -8- Evolution of multicellular orgnanisms, sexual polarity, a continental structure and plant kingdom to support higher life ---- Higher mammals
1. -7- Lemurs, monkeys, Australopithecans with the ability to walk upright and use tools --- Organized in families
1. -6- Human beings(!MR) who make complex tools and have rudimentary oral communication -- Organized in tribes
1. -5- Homo Sapiens with the ability to make complex tools, spoken language, art, early religion ---- Organized in regional cultures
1. -4- Written language, major construction, historical religions, science, fine art ----Organized in nations
1. -3- Materialism, industrialism, Americanism, democracy, republics, elerotechnology ---- Organized in planets
1. -2- Transcending material framework of life, telepathy, living in the light, genetic technology ---- Organized in galaxies
1. -1- NOW!
(Carl Johan Calleman - The Mayan Calendar)
Mwc Bayles • I have two comments to share. First, I'd say to some extent, we're all vibrations and energy, and part of a bigger vibration. The Beatles might have been part of the existential philosophy, as was said on these posts, but they were a huge part of the philosophy of love. George Harrison took their philosophy even further, by making it very spiritual.

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